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Showing posts from March, 2017

Creating a network spyware using java

According to wikipedia Spyware  is software that aims to gather information about a person or organization without their knowledge, that may send such information to another entity without the consumer's consent, or that asserts control over a device without the consumer's knowledge. Spyware is basically used to transmit data from host's computer  to the hacker without their prior knowledge. [Before Starting and going any deep in to the  topic i want to make it very clear that all the programs and coding describe below are for educational purpose only.If it causes any damage to the person who is using it or to the person on whom it is used author or the website takes no responsibility ] Before Starting  This tutorial will tell you everything which you will need to make a fully packed spy ware for yourself. It will provide you with all the program codes and links to the required software's. What all you need Before starting here is a checkli

Java Program which speaks

Today you will see a java program which could convert text to speech .The program will ask you to enter  string and then it will spell the string in a natural human voice. NOTE:- For this app i am using a third party library named FreeTTS 1.2.2 you could download it from here .Here i am assuming that you know how to use the jars of third party libraries if not then you could have a look on here. If you are using Blue J IDE then see it here . If you are using Ellipse then look here . So below is the complete code of our Application import com.sun.speech.freetts.Voice; import com.sun.speech.freetts.VoiceManager; import java.util.Scanner; public class Spell { private static final String VOICE_NAME_KEVIN = "kevin16" ; private final Voice voice; public Spell() { VoiceManager vm = VoiceManager.getInstance(); voice = vm.getVoice(VOICE_NAME_KEVIN); voice.allocate(); } pub

Create a simple virus using java

What's my idea Before we start talking how we will create a simple flooder virus using java we must be clear about what is  the idea and how to implement it. So the idea is to create a program which will create  thousands of blank files in a drive you will don't believe but it could create file with  a speed of   1060+ files per second . How to implement it Now the problem is how we would do this?? So here is the answer .  First of all we will design a loop which will run  N  number of times where  N  is the number of files which we want to create. Then we will create a new File with the help of  createNewFile()  function of  class. The name of each file is the value of the variable which is used in the loop. Here is the sample virus program. /**  * **********This virus program is just for educational purpose   * author will not be responsible for any issues **************  *   * @author (Shashank

How to setup a .jar file in Blue-J

How to set a new package in Blue-J In this tutorial you will learn how you can setup a jar file in Blue J IDE. Follow the given steps and you could easily set it up. Let me specify that in my case we will install a jar file created my me that is utility.jar .If you are downloading other packages like Free TTS,open cv, j3d or any other then you just need to find the jar files in their folder and rest of the tutorial remain the same. Step 1:- Open blue-J Ide Open your blue j ide in my case it is Blue-J 3.1.7. Step 2:- In the top menu bar click on TOOLS and after that in the drop down menu click on PREFERENCES . Step 3 :- After clicking on preferences you will see a screen like this.      Just click on Libraries Tab.   Step 4 :- After clicking on libraries blue j will show the list of pre loaded jar files that you must be using before.On the right hand side of the window you will see ADD button just click on it. Step 5:- Just find your way

How to setup a .jar file in Eclipse IDE

How to set a new package in Eclipse IDE In this tutorial you will learn how you can setup a jar file in Eclipse IDE. Follow the given steps and you could easily set it up. Let me specify that in my case we will install a jar file created my me that is utility.jar .If you are downloading other packages like Free TTS,open cv, j3d or any other then you just need to find the jar files in their folder and rest of the tutorial remain the same. Step 1:- Open Eclipse Ide Open your Eclipse ide in my case it is  Version: Luna Service Release 2 (4.4.2) Step 2:- In the top menu bar click on  WINDOW  menu item. And then you will see a pop up menu will appear.In the pop up menu click on  PREFERENCES  . Step 3:- Then in the next window's left hand side click on JAVA and then on  BUILD PATH   .Under build path you will see two options   classpath variables   and  User Libraries   you need to click on user libraries. Step 4:- Then

Simple tricks to enhance your java cui program

Today I will tell you how can you enhance your simple java CUI programs and applications with these small tricks and methods How to clear the output screen through code If you had ever make a vast java program then you might have been met with the problem on how to clear the output screen when a specific function is called or it is also needed in large menu driven programs .If you want the answer then you are on the Wright track. In C++ it is easy to clear the screen by just invoking the function clrscr().However java does not provide any predefined function In order to do so yet this one line code can help you to clear the output screen . S ystem.out.print(“\f”); I know you could not believe it but its true this one line can clear the output screen. For your satisfaction see this video practical below. c My dprint and dpritln functions To enhance your cui java program you could use these two user defined functions in your java program these functions can b

Hard disk corrupting virus

Are you all fed up of googling   How to create a virus using java Source code of virus program in java And could't turn up except a simple hard disk flooder virus or something same of the type. Therefore to provide you with a better virus code here Quadgen presents you with this hardisk corrupting virus. What it can do? This file corrupting virus made using java programming language could corrupt all the files inside a folder. Not only only inside a folder it can corrupt all the files inside a drive or the whole hardisk. How it works? This java code is very simple and could corrupt a folder within no time.It simply write junk data into that file and makes that file useless.I have tested it only many file formats and it works quite well on all photo formats(i.e. png,jpeg and others), all video formats(i.e. .mp4, .flv, .avi and others) and also on formats like .wav, .doc , pptx ,zip ,rar and many more. So here is the complete java code /*This program